We've typed up a few things you need to read!
Upper respiratory infections are the most common cat diseases. The feline distemper vaccine protects against the most common forms of infections although viruses and bacterial infections evolve constantly. As a cat owner you should be aware of some facts about these infections before you decide if boarding your cat with us is right for you.
What is an upper respiratory infection?
Upper respiratory infections can be highly contagious diseases spread by airborne viruses. Incubation times can be three to seven days from exposure to symptoms. Sneezing, eye discharge, as well as nasal discharge are common to see. These may last from a few days to a couple weeks. Viral infections in cats resemble the same feeling as a cold in humans such as lethargy, lack of appetite, and sometimes a fever.

Are these viruses a constant problem?
Like the flu they are often seasonal. When veterinarians see cases, they tend to come from a boarding facility, pet stores, shelters, or individual owners. Once an outbreak has run its course, another case could take months or more.
Is my cat more likely to catch a URI when while boarding?
Boarding presents two conditions that do not occur at home. Proximity exposure to multiple, potentially contagious cats, as well as stress and excitement of a new environment which can lower resistance to diseases.
Do URIs occur only in pet care facilities?
These viruses can be anywhere, and travel through the air. They can affect any cat, even one at home inside the house.
URI's are more likely to occur in in places where cats are in groups such as cat shows, animal shelters, veterinary offices, and pet shops, as well as in any boarding situation. Cats that spend 100% of the time in the house can get these infections with no contact from another cat.

Why doesn’t the vaccine protect my cat?
Feline Distemper vaccines protect against common forms of infections . As with the common cold, there are hundreds of varieties. Mutations constantly develop and adapt to the environment. Vaccinating against every form would be impossible.
Can a boarding facility prevent a cat from exposure to a URI?
No amount of supervision or sanitation can prevent a cat from catching an airborne virus. Requiring vaccine records, not boarding a sick cat, and watching for signs of illness will help lower risks.
How are they cured?
Just as with a common cold, they needs to run their course. A veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics to prevent secondary infections or fight a bacterial infection.
By creating a reservation and leaving your cat at SoHoCats, you agree to all terms
of this contract.
Below is a basic contract between SoHoCats and you. Please review this thoroughly and contact us if you have
any questions prior to your kitty's stay.
You represent that you are the legal owner (or have appropriate owner authorization) of cat(s) you are leaving
in the care of SoHoCats.
You represent they your cat has a current veterinarian that can be reached in the event of an emergency and
agree to have SoHoCats act on your behalf when seeking medical care.
You will be responsible for the reimbursement of all veterinary fees incurred due to injury/illness/other during
any stay with SoHoCats. You understand that your cat can become sick or injured while boarding and agree
that SoHoCats is not financially responsible for veterinary expenses while boarding or thereafter.
Rabies and Distemper vaccines are REQUIRED for any stay, you agree to provide proof that these are current.
You represent that to the best of your knowledge, your cat(s) is in good health with no contagious diseases or
fleas. Should fleas present at the time of boarding, Advantage will be applied at your expense, and a fee will be charged for cleaning of the facility.
You promise to pay all boarding fees or your cat(s) will not be released to you until other arrangements have been agreed upon and committed to.
SoHoCats will not be held responsible for the loss of any pet due to theft, fire, escape, injury or any other reason in excess of the amount of two hundred dollars. You agree not to seek damages beyond this amount and take full financial responsibility for the actions of your cat while in our care.
Should SoHoCats lose contact with you for more than 30 days, Animal Control will be notified and your cat will be surrendered to a shelter. SoHoCats will refer to small claims court to recover any and all fees that may be outstanding related to the boarding period.

- Long and short term boarding
- Daycare
- Medication administration
- Diabetic care
-Text updates on your kitty
Hours vary daily. Dropping off or picking up your kitty is by appointment only.
© 2021 by SOHOCATS